
I’m starting this new blog to be able to post things that might not be appropriate for my other blog, “South Sound Arts Etc.” http://alecclayton.blogspot.com/

So what am I going to post here? I don’t know. Mostly thoughts about the art of writing, my own and other people’s. Maybe excerpts from works in progress. Maybe book reviews. Maybe things from other writers that I want to share. In other words, in other words, things about writing by and for other writers and lovers of literature. And who knows—I might even write something about football or jazz or underwater ballet. There’s no telling.

I will also use this blog to announce when I have a reading, a new book coming out, or an art sale.

And from time to time I might reprint articles that have been published elsewhere or link to my reviews in the Weekly Volcano or OLY ARTS, etc.

So, I invite my friends and followers to subscribe to this blog. Everything I post will show up in your in-box. You can read it or delete it if the subject or title doesn’t appeal to you. I think most of it will be stuff you’ll find interesting, entertaining, or even enlightening, and I promise not to overwhelm with too much stuff. I hope you will subscribe today. And tell your friends.

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