Back in the hospital again.  My Bout with Cancer Part Twelve

I developed a rather severe infection in my left eye including a very small abscess – the eye they took the tear duct out of because of the cancer. Spending 12 hours at Urgent Care at Kaiser Permanente over two visits Friday night through Saturday afternoon included a CT scan which showed among other things something that the doctor said maybe — not highly likely but maybe — could be cancer in my right eye. I will need an MRI for that, but it’s not yet scheduled.

So Urgent Care sent me to St. Peters Hospital where I was admitted and treated with antibiotics administered via IV. I was in the hospital Friday through Monday and sent home with oral antibiotics.

I saw an eye doctor yesterday (Tuesday) and she was pleased with my progress. Appointments with my family doctor and an ENT MD at Kaiser are scheduled for tomorrow.

I’m not feeling too bad. Very little to no pain. I’ll follow up with more updates as I get them.

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